Allow me to thank you for your interest in my services ...
My father sent me provisions for access to the press on the internet and my favorite fields are:

  • English General Press
  • Internationale
  • Scientifique
  • To get the list, say 'links'.

    For help, ask for help...

    To change language, say "change language"...

  • The log index is accessible by 'newspaper'.
  • But you can request a newspaper by name ('the guardian', 'the post', etc ...).

  • You have also access to my songs by 'audio',
  • To Google Maps by 'map',
  • To Google search 'words' by 'google words',
  • "Book a train from Montpellier to Paris" to SNCF reservation from Montpellier to Paris...
  • At the weather of the place by "weather" or "weather of sunday"
  • You can also access my favorite radio stations by "radio" (the radio stations page opens...) or by "radio france culture" for direct access to France culture!

  • To close a page, 'close' will suffice and if you leave, a 'bye' will be appreciated ...

  • If you don't want to hear me anymore, tell me "voice" and I'll be quiet or I'll talk again...

  • I may translate a word in French "translate garden". Lea will pronounce this word in French.

  • Finally, be 'free' in your sentences ... I will make an effort to understand you ...
  • To contact me, send me a mail by "email"
  • Here, I am waiting for you on the other side ... Ah! one last thing: people have told me that during very long periods of silence, I sometimes fall asleep but, don't worry...